Pages read: 8,307
Fiction: 81%
Nonfiction: 19%
Male authors: 48%
Female authors: 52%
Favorite book(s) this quarter: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, combined with I Kill the Mockingbird by Paul Acampora (A fun revisit and a new take on one of my favorite books.)
Mount TBR: 13/36 36%
I Love Library Books: 5/36 14%
Birthday Month: 3/12 25%
Hard Core Re-Reading: 6/10 60%
What's In a Name?: 3/6 50%
Color Coded: 2/9 22%
Victorian Bingo: 1/5 20%
Reading England: 3/6 50%
Around the World in 12 Books: 3/12 25%
European: 3/5 60%
Chunkster: 2/5 40%
Alphabet Soup: 12/26 46%
Authors A to Z: 10/26 38%
Nonfiction: 4/16 25%
Newbery: 0/30 points 0%