Here are the rules:
Each book you read is worth points. You get:
- 3 points for a Newbery Medal Winner
- 2 points for a Newbery Honor Book
- 1 point for a Caldecott Book (Both Medal winners and Honor books are worth a point.)
In addition to that, you pick a level to aim for:
- L'Engle: 15 - 29 points
- Spinelli: 30 - 44 points
- Avi: 45 - 59 points
- Lowry: 60 - 74 points
- Konigsburg: 75+ points
You can get to this level with any combination of points you want. You can read all Newbery Medal winners. You can throw in a few Honor Books. If you want, you can even read 75 Caldecott Medal winners! How you get to your point level is totally up to you.
Also, anywhere in the point range for your level counts as completing that level. So for example, if you signed up for the Avi level and read 46 points' worth of books, then you have completed that level!
List of Newbery Medal Winners & Honor Books
List of Caldecott Medal Winners & Honor Books
- Rereads count (because you were probably a kid when you read it last, and your perspective on the story just might have changed since then).
- Audiobooks and ebooks count.
- And paper books count, too. :)
- All books must be read between January 1, 2018, and December 31, 2018. Books begun before January 1 don’t count.
- Books can be used for other challenges as well.
- You don’t have to have a blog to participate. You can link up reviews from Amazon, Goodreads, etc., or just hang out with us in the comments!
- Reviews are encouraged, but not necessary.
- Choose your point level. You can always aim for a higher point level, but you can't move to a lower one.
To join the Newbery Reading Challenge:
- Write a post (or a comment) stating your intention to join. Choose your point level. You can find the challenge image above to use in your post.
- Add your link to the Linky at the bottom of this post. Make sure you include the link to your sign-up post, not just your homepage.
- The Linky seems to be having difficulties sometimes. I have no idea how to fix this. If it doesn't accept your link, you can try again another day, or just put your link in a comment. That will count as signing up, too!
- Christine at Buckling Bookshelves made this awesome template to use for tracking your reads for this challenge. She generously offered to share it with all of you! Just click on the file below to download it for your own use!

Newbery Checklist.docx |