My Recent Posts
Reviewlets - Nonfiction Edition (Swimming to Antarctica by Lynne Cox; The Good Girl's Guide to Getting Lost by Rachel Friedman; and Travels in the Greater Yellowstone by Jack Turner)
My posts from Dewey's 24-hour Read-a-thon - Updates and Mini-Challenges
What I Read Last Week
My Venice and Other Essays by Donna Leon (I was hoping for more Venice and less Other, but it was still a good read.)
What I'm Reading Now
Longbourn by Jo Baker (Intriguing so far)
La Bella Lingua by Dianne Hales (I love the Italian language, so I'm thrilled to read a book about it.)
I don't usually read this many books at once, but I needed a little variety during the Read-a-thon. Now every time I want to read, I have to decide which book to pick up. I'm not used to having to make such a decision!