Here's how I did. Items in bold are completed. Items in italics are still in process. Items that look normal - yeah, those didn't get done.
2. Ride my bike on the entire rail trail by our house to the end and back (20 miles total).
3. Visit ten more Michigan lighthouses (as part of an ongoing goal of visiting them all). (Visited 5 out of 10)
4. Finish our upstairs remodel and finally move into our new master bedroom.
5. Write letters of appreciation to my pastor and our Board of Education.
6. Read 50 books from my own shelves. (35 out of 50 read)
7. Go to a Detroit Tigers game.
8. Plant a vegetable garden.
9. Go to a Pentatonix concert.
10. Go to a Piano Guys concert.
11. Write a short story.
12. Get my piano tuned.
13. Clean out our bedroom closet (including giving away clothes I don't wear anymore). (Clothes are given away. I just haven't organized what's left.)
14. Start a Little Free Library.
15. Visit Greenfield Village.
16. Try Brussel sprouts.
17. Take at least five organ lessons.
18. Write two devotions for our church's Advent devotional book.
19. Incorporate at least two ideas I learn at a teacher's conference into my classroom. (I blew it on this one. I didn't get it done, and I'm no longer teaching. So I decided to change this to "Start a bullet journal and use it for at least 6 months." I started one in July, so I'm on month #3!)
20. Get my clarinet cleaned and polished.
21. Create (and use) a Twitter account for Smiling Shelves.
22. Try 20 new recipes. (I've tried 3 out of 20. It seems like this number is probably higher, but I can't remember any other ones. Time to start actually making the things I pin on Pinterest!)
23. Fix the hole in our comforter (this involves sewing - yikes!)
24. Instead of just making fun of 10 grammatical errors, actually tell someone who can fix them. (I've done this once. I see plenty of mistakes. The problem is getting the courage to do something about them.)
25. Visit the Creation Museum.
26. Go on a high ropes course (definitely afraid of heights).
27. Learn "Game Day" by Jon Schmidt on the piano.
28. Buy or rent a violin and start learning how to play it.
29. Finish my bookish decorating project that I started months ago.
30. Watch Casablanca (the one time I tried, I fell asleep pretty early on).
31. Clean my library, including dusting every single book.
Adding on #32 - Have a baby!