- This book is a time-sucker. Make sure you have time to devote to it, because you are not going to want to put it down. Which leads to neglecting things, like your job. . . or your spouse. . .
- Parts of it are written as journal entries. Personally, that worked for me, but it's not a style that works for everybody.
- If you are looking for a character with a unique voice, you can do no better than Mark Watney. His journal entries read like he is talking to you. And astronaut nerd though he may be, he's a pretty funny guy.
- You actually kind of learn something about science and Mars. That's always a nice bonus.
- The plot. The incessant plot that keeps you turning the pages. This book is so hard to put down!!
- It literally keeps you guessing until the very last page.
- Mark Watney is a character that you simply have to root for. He's so well-written, you're pretty much given no choice. Who knew you could cheer so hard for potatoes to grow?
Please share your thoughts and comments, whether you've read The Martian or not!