This first happened when I was in middle school. I had read a book from my local library. I remember very little about the plot now, except there was a maze and a castle involved. What I do remember is going out to my tire swing after I had finished reading it. I just swung idly and thought about the book for nearly half an hour. I'm pretty sure this was my first experience of a book hangover. That branch of my library closed several years ago, and I have always kicked myself for not going back and finding that book again.
The second time this happened was only a couple of summers ago. I was sitting in one of the comfy chairs in the YA section of the library. A book caught my eye. I checked it out, devoured it, and immediately requested the other two books in the series. The main character was going to live with her dad because her mom had just passed away. Her dad works at the Renaissance Fair over the summer, so that's where she goes. She discovers that, while there are humans at the Renaissance Fair, there are also many that aren't human. In fact, she herself isn't entirely human.
I know this author has written other books that I would love to read. But I can't remember the title of any of the books I read, let alone the author's name. I have scoured the shelves in the YA section of my library, but I can't find it again.
There are some books that stick with us long after we've read them because the characters or the plot becomes part of us. So much so that we want to experience them again someday. Unless we can never find them again! Then they simply live on in our memory, although we always keep a watchful eye out at libraries and book sales. We live in hope.
Does anyone else have a story of "the book that got away"?